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Welcome to my site everyone!

Please browse around and learn abit about me and the work I'm currently doing in Tanzania.

sitting on a cloud

Today I'm sitting on a cloud...
a wonderfully comfortable office chair!

Christine and Jeremy's container finally arrived from Canada after 4 months. Inside, amongst a lot of other things, was 13 office chairs. So all of us who work in the Video Studio received an upgrade from patio chairs to office chairs!

I don't think I have EVER had a good supportive comfy chair. It's everything I've imagined. :)

life as a musical ?

I've heard people say that they wish their life was a musical. I have, in the past, thought that these people were a little off their rockers (no offense).

but now

I think I understand it a little....

after watching musical after musical,

over and over again.

Moulin Rouge
Phantom of the Opera
Highschool Musical
My Fair Lady
Bride and Prejudice
Across the Universe
Sound of Music
Wicked (Soundtrack)
Lion King (Soundtrack)

I've also been watching other movies for inspiration:

Amelie - Study of Artistic Elements
Stranger Than Fiction - Study of Graphic Elements
Water - Study of Artistic Elements
Stomp the Yard - Study of Dance
Step Up - Study of Dance
Finding Neverland - Study of Artistic Elements
Memoirs of a Geshia - Study of Artistic Elements
The Devil Wears Prada - Study of Antagonist
Hitch - Study of Dialogue and Humor


Ah, I'm fully immersed in the world of magical musical movie making.

Yep, you're right...

I AM in Africa.

The Project:
The fear of the Spirits of the ancestors seems to be one of the biggest strongholds in East Africa. People - even Christians are afraid to move on - afraid to make changes because of what these spirits will do to them. Even among church leadership this is still a very real issue. If you try to educate someone about how this fear does not need to dictate their lives it does not work. Change has to happen in the heart. Seldom do we listen to a sermon twice but we'll play a song over and over again. With this thinking we know we can use the strengths of the African culture being song, dance and storytelling to bring hope to the people. Through this musical love story (as all musicals are) we're going to sing a message of freedom, beauty, truth, life and JESUS into the hearts of all East Africans!

The script is completed. Currently, the dialogue is being written in Swahili by Lucy who is from Kenya. Five out of fifteen feature songs have already been written by a Congolese band. They are awesome. God has given them the same vision as we have otherwise we never would have been able to afford them. They have a contract with Groove Studios in Australia. The sung dialogue, background music, and connectors are being written by JoAnna who is here from White Rock, BC. I am the Production Designer. Davin, a Namibian is coming in a couple weeks to build the sets. The choreography is being done by a Rwandan local celebrity by the name of Daddy. Joel, who is also from White Rock is coming in May to be our Cinematographer and Editor. But we still really need a secondary Final Cut Editor, a Sound Guru and someone to do the Lighting.

We'll be filming and recording from May - August this year. If anyone is looking for an excuse to come to Tanzania and help out for 1-4 months please let me know!! :)